Thursday, December 29, 2022

Tips On Keeping Heating Costs Down

Heating your home in winter can quickly become a significant expense. Once that bill arrives, you may feel the chills. There are many ways to keep warm during winter without spending a lot of money on fuel. Here are some ideas:

Seal Drafts

It is a sure way to lose heat in the winter months. Warm air can escape, and cold air can get in through gaps around doors and windows or other openings that connect the interior of your home to the exterior. You can heat up your home quickly and inexpensively by inspecting all your windows and doors. Weatherstripping is a good idea if your curtains are fluttering or you feel drafts or gaps. The rubber or foam material can be used to seal gaps and prevent drafts around windows and doors.

Use curtains

Windows account for approximately 30% of the home’s heating energy. Thermal-insulated curtains and drapes are another great way to keep heat in your home while keeping the outside cold out. These curtains can be used to block heat from the windows but there are also versions that can cover doors. There are many styles available so you can find the right one for your home. Keep the curtains closed if your home is exposed to sunlight. This will allow solar energy to warm your space. To keep the warmth inside, close your curtains at night.

Check your insulation

Although this is a more expensive and time-consuming project, it’s important to ensure that your home has good insulation. Although it can be difficult to inspect the insulation in your walls and crawl spaces, it is possible to do so easily. Insulating these areas can make your home more efficient and reduce energy consumption. Homeowners can save up to 15% on heating in Knoxville by sealing their homes and insuring that crawl spaces and attics are well insulated.

Smarter Thermostats

It’s a great way to reduce your heating bills while still being comfortable in the winter. Most people don’t have the time or ability to adjust their thermostats every day. A smart thermostat or programmable thermostat is a good choice. These thermostats can replace your existing thermostat and allow you to set the times and temperatures that you want throughout the week. Even the simplest programmable thermostats can be set to a different schedule on weekdays than on weekends. Smart thermostats such as the Google Nest monitor your movements and adjust the temperature accordingly.

These are just a few tips to help you heat your home more efficiently. You will be happier in a warm, comfortable home that doesn’t have drafts and does not increase your monthly utility bills to unbearable levels. Contact a local heating contractor for more tips on how to ensure your home stays warm without breaking the bank.

Call J.C.’s Heating and Air now for professional heating and cooling services.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about HVAC services.

J.C.’s Heating and Air
3709 N Broadway
Knoxville, TN 37917
(865) 388-1712

Friday, December 23, 2022

Duct Cleaning And Maintenance Tips

Your air duct system circulates warm and cool air from your HVAC unit throughout the house every day. This keeps your rooms at the right temperature. Your air ducts are important, providing comfortable temperatures all year. It makes sense to take care of them. Air ducts are relatively easy to maintain and don’t need to be cleaned as often. You can keep your HVAC system happy by including them on your annual HVAC maintenance list. Maintaining your air ducts will not only keep the air moving freely but also prevents buildup which could lead to bigger problems down the road. Are you looking to ensure that your air ducts work well? Schedule a professional duct cleaning service with J.C.’s Heating and Air. Or you could follow these steps to maximize your air duct system’s potential.

Seal Duct Leaks

Air duct leakage is one of the biggest energy wasters in your home, as you may not have realized. Around 20% to 30% of the air moving through the duct system can be lost when there is a leak. It’s not uncommon for air duct joints and seals to become loosening over time, causing them to deform or become damaged. Duct leaks can also be caused by dust and debris that has built up inside the ducts. Air duct leakage can not only hinder your HVAC system’s ability, but also cause higher energy bills, inconsistent temperatures, mold growth, and other air quality issues. Although you can do duct sealing by yourself using duct tape or duct mastic sealant, it is possible to have a professional assess your ductwork.

Ventilation should be kept clean

It is not a good idea to place furniture or other obstructions in front of an open air vent, even though it might seem harmless. Blocking an air vent can not only prevent air from moving around the room but also cause more serious problems later on. One, the HVAC system will work harder to heat or cool your home. This puts unnecessary strain on your blower fan. Blockages can cause the pressure to drop, which could lead to damage to your duct system. It is also dangerous to place furniture on top of an air vent. There are other options if you don’t want to change the layout of your space in order to clear an obstruction. An alternative is to install a magnetic vent deflector or extender that attaches directly to the air vent. This will redirect the airflow away from the furniture.

Book a duct cleaning in Knoxville

Did you know indoor air can be up to five times as polluted as outside air? Because dust, debris, and other contaminants can enter your living space and continue to circulate, this is why it is so polluted. Even if your HVAC filters are high quality, there is still the possibility of impurities in your air-duct system. There is no evidence to suggest that dirty air ducts cause an increase in dust levels in homes. However, excessive accumulation of dust and debris can cause damage to the air ducts and mold and mildew growth.

Book a duct test

You should have your duct system pressure tested to ensure that your cooling and heating systems are working properly. An HVAC contractor can measure the air pressure in the duct system. This can be used to determine if there are any air leaks within your system and also show how balanced it is. The test can also give you recommendations for how to improve your home’s ductwork to increase its energy efficiency. When installing new HVAC equipment such as an air conditioner or furnace, it is a good idea to have your ducts checked. Your HVAC system’s duct system should also be tested when you have a tune-up. This will ensure that your air ducts are moving air throughout your home at maximum efficiency.

Call J.C.’s Heating and Air now if you to schedule duct cleaning and other HVAC maintenance services.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about HVAC services.

J.C.’s Heating and Air
3709 N Broadway
Knoxville, TN 37917
(865) 388-1712

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Tips To Avoid Emergency Heat Pump Repair This Christmas

If you don’t take the necessary steps to address this problem, extreme weather conditions and climates can cause severe damage to your cooling and heating systems. The arrival of winter brings with it harsh and cold climates. You will be busy with activities such as shopping, arranging parties, and going out with family members to have a great time. Your house should be warm and inviting during this joyful season. It is important to avoid emergency heat pump repair, as it can ruin your mood and cause extensive damage. It is important to hire a professional to do an emergency heating repair before the Christmas season begins, to avoid any mishaps and emergency heating failures.

Heating repair services not only provide solutions to minor issues in your HVAC systems but also allow you to scope out and identify any major problems that may have gone unnoticed if you didn’t choose to use the service. Continue reading to learn more about how to prepare your heating system to make it safe for Christmas.

How to prepare your heating system for Christmas vacation

If proper maintenance and care are not taken, heating systems can become unreliable and even fail during winter. J.C.’s Heating and Air promises you the best preventative services, top-quality parts, reliable service, and upfront competitive pricing that is the best in the business. Heat pump repair and maintenance services are designed to help you avoid future problems that could arise with your HVAC systems.

Replace the air filter

The unit will suffer from many issues if the filter is dirty. The unit’s air quality will be restored by changing the filter.

Thermostat Temperature

The thermostat should be set at a reasonable temperature, not less than 50 degrees. This will help conserve energy and prevent freezing pipes.

Install a surge protector

A surge protector will be installed on your heating system to protect it from unplanned power cuts that could cause damage.

Preventive Maintenance

You should schedule HVAC preventive maintenance before Christmas. This will prevent emergency heating repairs and reduce repair costs. Professional, licensed HVAC contractors should perform preventive maintenance and heating tune-up to ensure a smooth heating system. This will allow you to enjoy Christmas vacations with peace of mind.

If you need professional HVAC repair and maintenance, please don’t hesitate to call J.C.’s Heating and Air. We want your family to feel safe and comfortable this holiday season.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about HVAC services.

J.C.’s Heating and Air
3709 N Broadway
Knoxville, TN 37917
(865) 388-1712

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Avoid Emergency Heating and Air Repairs during the Holidays

Do not let an emergency heating or air conditioner ruin your time with family and friends. As we get closer to the winter holidays, Knoxville’s weather is still fairly mild. It is possible for it to drop suddenly so it’s important to be prepared.

These simple steps will ensure you stay cozy and warm. JC is available for 24-hour emergency heating repair in Knoxville. We are available 24/7 for your urgent needs.

Review of Quick Heating and Air Preparation

Regular HVAC maintenance is important, regardless of whether you heat your home with a furnace or heat pump. Regular maintenance can help you save money and ensure your home’s reliability.

J.C.’s Heating and Air will provide heating and air service. You’ll benefit from the knowledge of certified technicians. Our HVAC contractors will inspect your heating and cooling equipment before performing service. Any signs of distress such as excessive wear and tear are looked for by the technician.

If your tech sees red flags, they may suggest a change in usage. He or she will inform you if there are any signs that indicate a major repair is imminent, or a breakdown.

J.C.’s Heating and Air cares about more than just your energy bills and comfort. Your safety is our top priority. Your safety is at risk if your heating and cooling system has electrical problems, leaking ducts, or excess debris close to an ignition source.

Your technician will identify the problem if it is due to faulty or worn-out equipment. Your thermostat might not communicate well with your heating or air system, or may give faulty readings. Your technician might recommend a newer model thermostat to increase your comfort, energy efficiency, and safety.

Your technician will inspect, clean, and lubricate every component as part of the service. Your technician will inspect your air filter and make any necessary changes.

Reminders for Heating and Air Use

Don’t adjust your thermostat too much, just like in summer. You can lower or raise the temperature by a few degrees at once. This will allow your heating and air equipment to adjust at a manageable pace. Imagine running a five-kilometer race compared to a three-mile sprint. Equipment strain can be caused by rapid changes. This could lead to equipment failure if your system is old or in dire need of repairs.

Keep your exterior unit clean and your air filter changed regularly. Both of these steps contribute to healthy airflow for your heating system and air conditioner. Your HVAC system will work harder if there are obstructions.

Do not close vents or keep doors closed in rooms that you do not use often. This is a common belief among homeowners. This tactic can cause a temperature and pressure imbalance in your home. The heating and air systems work hard to correct this. To allow normal airflow, leave vents and doors unlocked.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call J.C.’s Heating and Air. We want your family to feel safe and comfortable in their home.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about HVAC services.

J.C.’s Heating and Air
3709 N Broadway
Knoxville, TN 37917
(865) 388-1712

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Tips For Winterizing Your Furnace

Get ready for the fall and winter seasons by preparing your home today, and this includes your furnace.

A furnace is a must-have investment to keep your home warm in the colder months. We have compiled these tips to help you prepare your furnace for winter.

Tips To Prepare Your Furnace For Winter

1. Clean the filter or replace it

The filter is an essential part of any machine that blows air, from air conditioners to tumble dryers, and many people underestimate its importance. The filter can block the hot air flow, causing the heater to stop functioning altogether and the unit to have to work twice as hard. It is important to replace the old filter before it gets cold.

2. Vacuum the Furnace Interior

It is important to remove any dust or debris that has built up at the base and burners. You don’t need any specialized equipment, a regular vacuum can get the job done. A special vacuum cleaner will be required if you have an oil heater. You should not use a shop vacuum to clean oil.

3. Oil the Blower Motor and Check the Blower Belt

A loose blower belt is one of the leading causes of ineffective furnaces. This can cause the furnace to run longer and may lead to an increase in operating time. To keep your furnace running smoothly, it is important to take the time to replace worn or cracked belts with two to three drops of oil. It’s important to note that not all motors require oil or lubrication. If you are unsure, consult the owner’s manual.

4. Check that Blower Doors are Properly Replaced

It is essential to ensure safety inside your home. Professional HVAC contractors should perform any maintenance. To ensure that no carbon monoxide or other combustion byproducts circulate in your warm air, the blower doors must be maintained in top condition.

5. Verify that the Vents are open.

A malfunctioning furnace can also be caused by blocked vents. This is where air is pumped through pipes but does not reach all rooms. Make sure that your vents do not become blocked by furniture or dirt.

6. Check out the Exhaust Flue

Nearly all furnaces will have an exhaust pipe that leads from the house. This allows byproducts of combustion from escaping. It is important to ensure this doesn’t happen. This can lead to a buildup of heat within the unit, which could cause wasted energy and damage to the heating system. This is something homeowners who have invested in expensive equipment should avoid.

Call An HVAC Contractor

Our team of heating and cooling professionals is available to help you install or replace your heating and air conditioning systems. They will take the time to assess your home and understand your needs. Then, they’ll show you all your options and help you choose the best home comfort system for you and your family.

Call J.C.’s Heating and Air now if you need help in winterizing your heating and cooling system.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about HVAC services.

J.C.’s Heating and Air
3709 N Broadway
Knoxville, TN 37917
(865) 388-1712

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Seasonal HVAC Maintenance Tips

You’re doing the right thing if you hire an HVAC contractor to inspect and tune up your HVAC system annually. There are many other tasks that you can do in between inspections. There are many benefits to taking simple steps to maintain and clean your HVAC system throughout the year. This checklist will help you maintain your HVAC system so it lasts longer and is more efficient each season.

Your seasonal HVAC maintenance plan

Your HVAC system will benefit in many ways from seasonal HVAC maintenance. A professional will calibrate the thermostat, test your safety controls, clean condensate drains, and perform airflow testing during an annual tune-up. You can then complete some seasonal HVAC maintenance tasks. Here is a list of maintenance tasks you should perform for each season.

Fall Maintenance Tasks

There are many ways to improve the efficiency of your HVAC system in the fall months. These simple maintenance tasks can reap long-term benefits if you do them at the beginning of each season.

  • Instead of using the heater, open curtains so the sun can heat your home.
  • Ceiling fans should be run clockwise to distribute heat from the ceilings to the living spaces. To avoid wind chill, keep the fan at the lowest setting.
  • Safe space heaters can be used to increase your home’s heating.
  • To add moisture to your home, use a humidifier
  • Air filters should be changed every month. This is a huge job!

Spring Maintenance Tasks

The sound of birds singing is a sign that spring is here. Although spring is generally a pleasant season, it can be hot at times, which could lead to homeowners turning on the AC. These tips will help you reduce the stress on your HVAC system. You can also hire an HVAC contractor in Knoxville TN.

  • Close your drapes to keep the heat from the sun from baking your home.
  • Get out your outdoor grill, and let your oven cool off. It increases indoor temperatures.
  • Ceiling fans can be used instead of the air conditioner
  • Use a dehumidifier. Your home will feel more comfortable when it has less moisture.
  • Cool drafts can be let in through open windows
  • Make sure to clean your ductwork.
  • Replace the air filters!

Summer Maintenance Tasks

The hot summer season can put a strain on your HVAC system. These summer maintenance tasks can help to ease the load.

  • To keep the heat out and reduce strain on your system, invest in insulation upgrades
  • Regularly inspect your drain pans and get rid of any moisture that is accumulating.
  • If you are able to run fans on cool days, you can switch to the AC and turn off the AC when you’re away from home for long periods of time (except if you have pets).
  • Before you turn on your AC, make sure that the main unit is removed from the outside.
  • Do you remember those HVAC filters? You’re familiar with the procedure. You know the drill.

Winter Maintenance Tasks

Winter is the perfect time to curl up by the fire or enjoy a cup of hot cocoa in your warm living room. These are some winter HVAC repair and maintenance tasks.

  • Seal cracks in the house and apply weatherstrips on windows.
  • You can reduce your thermostat temperature by 10 to 15% when you’re not at home. This will lower the heating load and help save money.
  • To keep cold air out of your home’s interior, you can also insulate any recessed lighting.
  • To capture sunlight, open drapes, curtains, and blinds to south-facing windows during daylight.

Benefits of Seasonal HVAC Maintenance

They can fail during extreme heat or cold and they are right when you most need them. You can reduce your chances of sleepless nights by keeping your HVAC system maintained throughout the year.

Higher Efficiency and Lower Utility Costs

Winter season is a time when heating costs are at an all-time high. This can cause a huge increase in your energy bills. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, winter heating costs can increase your utility bill by 30%. Regular maintenance of your HVAC system can increase its efficiency, which in turn will result in a lower monthly utility bill.

You could save up to 15% each winter month if your HVAC filters are clean and your airflow is at its peak efficiency.

Call J.C.s Heating and Air now if you need help in taking care of your HVAC system so it’s always fully functional throughout the year.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about HVAC services.

J.C.’s Heating and Air
3709 N Broadway
Knoxville, TN 37917
(865) 388-1712

Friday, December 9, 2022

Common Questions About Ductless Heat Pumps

Are you unhappy with your current heating and cooling system? Surprisingly more people than you think are interested in upgrading their HVAC systems. We’ll be discussing the latest advancement in indoor climate control technology – ductless heat pumps.

These small devices can provide heating and cooling power while conserving energy. This gives homeowners greater control over their home’s temperature. How does it all work? You’re in the right spot! Today we will be discussing how ductless heat pump work, how they are installed, energy-saving benefits, and more. Continue reading to find the answers to 5 of the most frequently asked questions about ductless heating by homeowners. :

1. What is a Ductless Heating Pump? How does it differ from a Furnace/Boiler?

Before the advent of ductless heat pump technology, most people used a furnace or boiler to keep warm in winter. While both heating methods get the job done, they can heat inconsistently and waste energy. The distinct advantage of ductless heat pumps is that they use less energy to heat or cool and provide better indoor climate control.

The indoor and outdoor units are the main components of a ductless heat pump in Knoxville. The outdoor unit will use refrigerant to heat the air during winter. The heat energy is then transported up the refrigerant line to the indoor unit or blower. As the heat energy is blown into your living space, the refrigerant cools and returns to the outdoor unit. People who replace their HVAC system in Knoxville can save money by using refrigerant pipes instead of an air duct to transport heat energy.

2. What is the difference between a window AC unit and a ductless AC?

Although a window AC unit may look similar in concept to a ductless heat pump, we need to point out some differences. The window AC unit can only cool one room of your home and is installed in your window. This presents a security and safety hazard.

A ductless AC unit, on the other hand, can be used for both heating and cooling. It is permanently mounted in your home so that you don’t need to use a window mount. It is possible to install multiple indoor units that are connected to one outdoor unit to heat or cool your home. You will need to manually turn each unit on or off in order to cool your home using an AC window unit.

3. What are the benefits of installing a ductless heat pump?

There are many ways people can benefit from a ductless heat pump as their HVAC system, depending on how they set up their home. As we’ve discussed, ductless AC offers superior heating and cooling with lower energy consumption and costs than boilers and furnaces. Ductless heat pumps can also be used for home additions and renovations such as garages, attics, or garages. Ductless heat pumps are ideal for heating or cooling any area of your home without ducts. They can also be used in conjunction with your existing HVAC system to maintain your home’s comfort.

4. How does a Ductless Heat pump installation look like?

A ductless heating system offers another distinct advantage: it is easy to install. Installation takes only a few hours. There is no need to modify your home except for a hole of 3 inches in the wall for the refrigerant lines.

People who require new HVAC systems will find it easier to install them with this simple installation. It is no longer necessary for residents to go through the lengthy and difficult process of installing large air ducts inside their homes.

Contact J.C.’s Heating and Air for all of your heating and cooling needs! Call us at (865) 388-1712 today!

Like our Facebook page for more great info about HVAC services.

J.C.’s Heating and Air
3709 N Broadway
Knoxville, TN 37917
(865) 388-1712

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Heating And Cooling – Ducted And Ductless

Both heating and cooling systems use a lot of energy. Therefore, your power bill will be affected by the air conditioner you choose. The US is accustomed to central air conditioning, although ductless and mini-split systems have been growing in popularity. Each system has an indoor unit, as well as an indoor compressor or condenser. Ductless systems can have multiple interior units and a small pipe connects the parts instead of ductwork.

1. Costs and other attributes of central and ductless air conditioning

Installing central air conditioning systems takes about one week. If you don’t have ducting, it will take longer. To install the ducting, the installers will need to remove parts of your ceilings and walls. Then they will repair and paint the areas that are damaged. J.C.’s Heating and Air can install ductless air conditioners in Knoxville. Because most of the components are manufactured in-house, the entire process can take a few days.

Indoor air quality: Dust, pollen, mold, and germs can build up in the ductwork of central heating and cooling systems. Ductless systems don’t allow these pollutants to build up, which allows the filters to capture more contaminants. Because they run longer, ductless HVAC systems can remove pollutants more effectively than those with variable-speed fans. Your family will feel more comfortable if you keep toxins out of your home. This may also help to lower your family’s medical costs.

Maintenance: You don’t have to inspect your ductwork if you have a Knoxville ductless air conditioner. Duct maintenance, such as cleaning and sealing leaks, is free. Ducted air conditioners often come with longer warranties than ductless units. No matter what system you choose, it is still important to perform regular maintenance. You should inspect your ductless or ducted system’s air filter at least once per month. If it is dirty, replace it every three to four months.

2. Consider these Points When Buying a Ducted Air Conditioning Systems

Existing ductwork: Simply replace the central air conditioner, and connect the new system with the existing ductwork. Airflow can be improved with a ducted air conditioner system. Because each area is individually cooled, there is less airflow throughout your home.

3. Consider these Points When Buying a Ductless Air Conditioning Unit

There’s no need to worry about ductwork: A ductless AC installation may be the right choice for you. This is especially true if you have limited space or don’t want the hassle of installing ductless AC. J.C.’s Heating and Air can provide the best ductwork services for Knoxville.

Dust accumulation: Dust from ductwork can cause dust spores to build up and contaminate the environment. Dust can be reduced by installing a ductless air conditioner system in your room.

Individual cooling: You can use the ductless air conditioner’s separate cooling units to meet your cooling needs.

A ductless system is a complement to central air conditioning systems and works best for most users. Ductless systems are a great option if your property does not have or requires new ductwork.

Contact J.C.’s Heating and Air for all of your heating and cooling needs! Call us at (865) 388-1712 today!

Like our Facebook page for more great info about HVAC services.

J.C.’s Heating and Air
3709 N Broadway
Knoxville, TN 37917
(865) 388-1712

Monday, December 5, 2022

10 Benefits Of Ductless Heating And Cooling Systems

Heating and cooling systems are essential for any living or workspace. There are many options for air conditioning systems, from small units that can be used in a single room to larger units that can be used in large halls. The most obvious distinction is whether or not there is ductwork. This distinction separates air conditioning systems into ductless and ducted systems.

Ductless heating and cooling systems offer many advantages over ducted systems. Let’s look at the many benefits that ductless cooling and heating systems offer:

1. Ductless heating and cooling systems cost less to operate

For most people, this is the bottom line. Appliances that reduce our monthly energy costs are something we all love. It is also important to reduce our carbon footprint as much as possible. Ductless air conditioners can be much more affordable than ducted ones. Mitsubishi claims they can reduce energy costs by between 30-40% compared to forced-air systems. How do they do this? The main reason is the lack of ductwork. The biggest source of air loss in ducted systems is through ducts. The conditioned air can leak out due to a variety of reasons, including gaps, tears, poor installation, ruptures, and improper installation. This is a wasteful source of energy. According to the US Department of Energy, central air conditioners can use up to 30% more energy than homes without them.

2. Make your heating and cooling smarter!

Plug-and-play smart AC controllers can make ductless cooling and heating smart. Smart AC controllers allow you to control your air conditioner from your smartphone, making it WIFI-compatible. You can now control your air conditioner anywhere and anytime. These are much cheaper than central air conditioner thermostats, but they work the same way.

3. Ductless ACs are more efficient

You might have heard of SEER and EER ratings when looking for an air conditioner system. These ratings are directly related to how much energy your air conditioner can conserve. An air conditioner with a higher SEER rating means it is more efficient. On average, ductless HVAC systems have a higher SEER rating than ducted systems. Some systems can even achieve 30 SEER.

4. Ductless HVAC allows for easy installation

Ductless air conditioners are much faster to install than ducted ones because they don’t require any ducts. The effort required to install ductless units is reduced by half, which means that installation costs can be kept low. Installing ductless units can be half the cost of ducted units, making them an attractive option, especially if you don’t have ductwork.

5. Low carbon footprint

Ductless heating and cooling systems have a higher SEER and EER, as we’ve already discussed. Ductless cooling and heating systems have a higher efficiency which results in a smaller carbon footprint than ducted systems. Moreover, ductless heating and cooling systems are ENERGY STAR certified. This means they are more efficient than the minimum US government standards. This means you will not only save money on energy but also reduce carbon emissions. Refrigerant is another important contributor to a reduced carbon footprint. R410A, an environmentally friendly refrigerant that reduces the impact of air conditioning on the ozone layer, is a good choice.

6. Indoor Air Quality has been greatly improved

Although we may not notice it often, the quality of our air can have a significant impact on our moods and overall health. Indoor air quality is a crucial consideration for those who spend much of their time indoors. This will ensure comfort and healthy living. Even small invisible particles like allergens, pollutants, or even viruses, can have a negative effect on our health. It is important to maintain indoor air quality at its best.

7. Greater flexibility

Ductless heating and cooling systems offer far more flexibility than ducted systems. There is one ducted unit per home. However, multiple ductless units can be installed. Each unit can be installed in its own room depending on your needs. The only room that is being used must have an air conditioner, not all of the ones in the house. Even if one room needs to be cooled, the entire house would have to be powered up by the ducted unit. This will result in higher utility bills and greater consumption of electricity.

8. Minimal maintenance

Ductless air conditioners are less maintenance than ducted ones. Only the filters are required to be cleaned and washed regularly. You should also remember to clean the outside unit fans of any obstructions and to clear the indoor vents. Ductless air conditioners don’t require any special maintenance or treatment. This is a significant cost-saving measure compared to ducted units. There is no need to maintain ducts or check for major leaks. Each room’s vents also do not require special attention and must be opened up and thoroughly cleaned.

9. Heating is also possible with ductless air conditioners

You heard it right. Ductless systems can provide heating and cooling as well as cooling without the need for additional modifications. These “reversible” heat pumps or units can work in both summer and winter. This is in contrast to ducted systems which can only cool your house. Your home will need a separate furnace for winter.

10. Utility rebates on ductless heating and cooling

Many utility companies offer financial incentives and rebates to homeowners and businesses who install ductless air conditioners due to their higher efficiency. Energy companies can use the energy left over from lower air conditioning usage to meet other pressing energy needs.

Contact J.C.’s Heating and Air for all of your air conditioning needs! Call us at (865) 388-1712 today!

Like our Facebook page for more great info about HVAC services.

J.C.’s Heating and Air
3709 N Broadway
Knoxville, TN 37917
(865) 388-1712

Friday, December 2, 2022

HVAC Preventive Maintenance For The Holiday Season

It’s time for us to prepare our homes for the holidays. Our HVAC system is essential to ensure everyone’s comfort and ease the holiday chaos. J.C.’s Heating and Air is here to help you if you need to schedule an HVAC preventive maintenance. Our HVAC contractors can quickly determine if your HVAC system needs to be repaired. Here are some HVAC tips that will help you prepare for the holiday season:

Dust your home

Dusting is one of the easiest ways to increase the efficiency of your HVAC system. Grab a dry cloth and clean every surface of your home. Dusting will stop dust from spreading throughout your home, particularly through your ductwork. You will also enjoy better indoor air quality.

Keep your vents clear

Your HVAC system will work more efficiently if your vents are clear. Problems with your vents could also lead to costly repairs. Adjust holiday decorations to ensure they don’t block vents.

Change the air filter regularly

The easiest thing you can do for your HVAC system to run efficiently is to clean or change your air filter. Did you know that your monthly bill could increase as high as 15% if the filter is dirty? You can prolong the lifespan of your entire system by changing your filter.

Set the thermostat accordingly

It’s likely that once people arrive, you won’t have time to worry about the indoor temperature of your home. You can make it easier by programming your thermostat ahead of time so that you can leave it on and keep everyone comfortable.

Inspect your carbon monoxide detectors

You should make sure that your monoxide detectors work properly before the holidays. Obstructions or blockages in the vents can lead to fatalities. Reliable HVAC contractors should be called to schedule a maintenance appointment. They will also check if the carbon monoxide detectors work properly.

Take a look at your condenser unit

Sometimes we focus too much on the outside, but neglect to inspect our outside condenser units. Be sure to clean your exterior condenser unit of any pest nests or debris that could damage your heating and cooling system before you start holiday preparations.

Schedule an HVAC maintenance

It is not ideal to have HVAC problems during holiday celebrations in freezing weather. For a preventive measure, contact J.C.’s Heating and Air for a checkup. We can help you with any type of repair or replacement. Not only will it prevent you from major problems in the future but it will also provide you with peace of mind during the holiday season.

Want your HVAC to run smoothly this entire holiday season? Contact J.C.’s Heating and Air! Call us at (865) 388-1712 today!

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J.C.’s Heating and Air
3709 N Broadway
Knoxville, TN 37917
(865) 388-1712