Thursday, March 28, 2024

Air Conditioning Maintenance Tips For Summer

The summer months are great for vacations but the heat can sometimes be overwhelming. Each year, the average temperature during summer rises here in Knoxville TN. And it’s not going to dip into the lows any time soon. That’s why air conditioning maintenance is essential.

Almost every homeowner can rely on their trusty air conditioning unit to keep them cool during the summer. But what happens when your HVAC unit dies out on you? Of course, calling a professional for air conditioner repair is your safest option.

However, there are other things that you could do to prevent problematic situations with your air conditioning unit. Check out these air conditioning tips to beat the summer heat. You’ll end up having air conditioner repair in Knoxville TN without proper maintenance.

Air Conditioning Maintenance Tips

Calling a professional

Nothing beats professional assistance in the event your air conditioning unit breaks down. A professional HVAC contractor in Knoxville TN knows everything there is about air conditioning units, and they can repair any sort of damage. Although the fact remains that you have to pay for a professional, you do have the peace of mind that your AC unit will be in good hands and is sure to be up and running in record time.

Give your air conditioning unit some cleaning

Your AC will need some cleanup sooner or later, depending on a number of factors. These may include usage and the environment. The more you use your air conditioning unit, the more frequent maintenance will be. Add in a dirty environment and your AC unit will be bound for maintenance much sooner. For central air conditioners, clean the part of the unit that’s inside the house first.

It’s the easiest to clean and the most convenient. Next up is the condenser. Make sure that nothing is leaning on the condenser. Anything that leans on it may block the intake and output of air, making your unit work much harder to cool your house and is prone to issues that will require air conditioner repair.

Change the filters

the most common item that requires the most number of maintenance per year are the filters. HVAC units will demand that you replace the filters to avoid system inefficiency. However, for most air conditioning units, the filter used is reusable. They only need a quick rinse and the dirt will all be gone.

Why clean/replace the air filter more frequently? The air filter is what filters out the foreign particles that may be in the air. By doing so, air filters suck in a lot of dirt over time. This means the system could potentially be inefficient due to poor airflow as a result of dirty filters. This, in turn, leads to increased energy bills each month.

Inspect the AC unit

if you don’t know much about HVAC units, it is best to leave the inspection to a credible HVAC contractor. A qualified contractor will perform a number of tests to see if the air conditioning unit requires maintenance, repair, or replacement.

End of season care

at the end of each season, AC units must be maintained and looked after. This is particularly important at the beginning of summer where the AC unit will likely be working most. It makes sense to take good care of the air conditioning unit before summer to ensure that it works quite well. Hire professionals like J.C.’s Heating and Air for thorough maintenance.

Need help with your HVAC system? Give J.C.’s Heating and Air a call today if you need air conditioning maintenance services. 

Like our Facebook page for more great info about heating and cooling services.

J.C.’s Heating and Air
3110 Henson Rd Suite 7
Knoxville, TN 37921

Areas Served: CorrytonFountain CityHalls CrossroadsFarragutPowellKnoxvilleKnox CountyOak RidgeLenoir City

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Warning Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Air Conditioning Unit

A functioning air conditioning unit is not just a luxury but a necessity, especially during hot summer days. Unfortunately, AC units don’t last forever, and there are telltale signs indicating that it may be time for a replacement, even if it seems to be working fine for now.

Should You Get A New Air Conditioning Unit

Age Matters

AC units in Knoxville TN have a lifespan of around 10 years. If your unit is older than that, it’s worth considering an upgrade. Newer models are not only more energy-efficient but also come with advanced features that can enhance your cooling experience while saving you money in the long run.

Listen Up

Strange noises emanating from your air conditioning unit in Knoxville TN, such as squealing or clanking, should never be ignored. These sounds could signal underlying issues like a slipping belt or broken motor bearings. While repairs might seem like a viable solution, it’s essential to have a professional assess the unit’s condition to determine if replacement is more cost-effective, especially considering the unit’s age.

heating-and-cooling-2-1-300x200.jpgScent Check

Clean, neutral air should be flowing from your air conditioning unit. If you detect smoky or burning odors, it’s a red flag indicating potential problems that may warrant a replacement or a thorough duct cleaning. Ignoring such smells could lead to further damage and discomfort.

Freon Phasing Out

Older AC units utilize R22 Freon coolant, which is being phased out due to its harmful environmental effects. Machines using Freon may not be repairable, as Freon is no longer available on the market. Upgrading to a unit that uses environmentally friendly coolant like R410A (Puron) is not just a wise choice but also a responsible one.

SEER Rating Check

Check your air conditioning unit’s SEER (seasonal energy efficiency ratio) rating. If it’s below 13, your unit is likely inefficient and outdated. The US Department of Energy sets minimum SEER rating standards, and upgrading to a unit with a higher SEER rating can significantly reduce your energy bills while keeping your home comfortably cool.

Don’t wait until your AC breaks down completely. Contact J.C.’s Heating and Air today to discuss your options and schedule a consultation. Your comfort is our priority!

Like our Facebook page for more great info about heating and cooling services.

J.C.’s Heating and Air
3110 Henson Rd Suite 7
Knoxville, TN 37921

Areas Served: CorrytonFountain CityHalls CrossroadsFarragutPowellKnoxvilleKnox CountyOak RidgeLenoir City

Friday, March 22, 2024

Protect Your HVAC System from Spring Pollen

As winter fades away and spring arrives, we all eagerly welcome the warmer weather and blooming flowers. Yet, along with the beauty of spring comes something less pleasant: pollen. Although it may seem harmless, pollen can wreak havoc on your HVAC system, impacting both its performance and your health. Let’s delve into how pollen affects your HVAC system and what you can do about it.

Embrace the Fresh Air, but Beware of Pollen’s Sting

Spring brings more than just sunshine and warmth. It also ushers in a flurry of airborne pollutants, with pollen taking center stage. Despite its seemingly innocuous appearance, pollen can be more troublesome than meets the eye.

The Hidden Dangers Lurking in Your HVAC System

Many homeowners underestimate the impact of airborne pollutants on their heating and cooling systems. Yet, these pollutants pose significant risks, leading to malfunctions that can compromise your system’s efficiency.

The Toll on Your HVAC System and Your Health

Pollen may be tiny, but it packs a punch when it comes to both your HVAC system and your health. It can infiltrate your system, causing blockages and hindering airflow, leading to mechanical failures. Additionally, pollen can trigger allergies and respiratory issues, posing serious health risks.

air-duct-cleaning-2-300x200.jpgTaking Action to Protect Your HVAC System

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to shield your heating and cooling system from the onslaught of pollen and other pollutants.

Routine Inspection: Regularly inspect your HVAC system in Knoxville TN for signs of contamination or blockages. Catching issues early can prevent costly repairs down the line.

Sustained Vigilance: Stay vigilant and attentive to any changes in your system’s performance. Unusual noises, odors, or fluctuations in temperature could indicate a problem.

Regular Cleaning and Replacement: Keep your air filters clean and replace them as needed. Clean filters ensure optimal airflow and prevent pollen from infiltrating your system.

When to Seek Professional Help

While some maintenance tasks are DIY-friendly, others require professional attention. If you notice leaks, strange smells, or persistent issues with your HVAC system, don’t hesitate to call in professional HVAC contractors in Knoxville TN.

Don’t let pollen compromise your comfort and well-being this spring. Take proactive steps to safeguard your heating and cooling system and breathe easier indoors. Whether you need routine maintenance or emergency repairs, our team is here to help.

Protect your home from spring pollen and ensure your HVAC system is running smoothly. Contact J.C.’s Heating and Air today for expert maintenance and repair services.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about heating and cooling services.

J.C.’s Heating and Air
3110 Henson Rd Suite 7
Knoxville, TN 37921

Areas Served: CorrytonFountain CityHalls CrossroadsFarragutPowellKnoxvilleKnox CountyOak RidgeLenoir City

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Tackling Indoor Allergens: Your Guide to Duct Cleaning

If indoor allergies have become a constant battle for you, it’s worth asking: When was the last time you had your household ductwork cleaned? For many, this question draws a blank, or worse, they’ve never scheduled routine duct cleaning. Yet, unbeknownst to them, common allergens are harbored within their ducts, exacerbating symptoms if left unchecked.

Routine duct cleaning is essential for every home, particularly those with allergy sufferers. In this blog, we’ll explore three prevalent allergens that accumulate in ductwork and why regular cleaning is crucial.

Importance of Regular Duct Cleaning

1. Dust Mites: Invisible Yet Impactful

Dusty ducts provide an ideal habitat for dust mites, microscopic arachnids that feed on skin flakes found in household dust. While unseen, these creatures can significantly affect your health. Dust mite feces are a common allergen, triggering symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, and congestion.

With millions of dust mites inhabiting your home, professional duct cleaning becomes crucial. By removing dust from your ductwork, you can reduce the circulation of allergens, leading to improved indoor air quality and fewer allergy symptoms.

2. Mold and Mildew: Hidden Threats

duct-cleaning-1-300x292.jpgDark and damp environments, like ductwork, provide ideal conditions for mold and mildew growth. Unfortunately, these allergens often go unnoticed until they trigger health issues such as itchy eyes, respiratory problems, and skin rashes.

Professional duct cleaning services in Knoxville TN effectively removes mold and mildew buildup, eliminating potential health hazards and improving indoor air quality. Regular cleaning can create a healthier living environment and alleviate mysterious allergy symptoms.

3. Pollen: Nature’s Persistent Intruder

Pollen, a common outdoor allergen, finds its way into your home through clothing and shoes. Once indoors, pollen particles settle in your ductwork, continuously circulating through your HVAC system and into your living spaces. This constant exposure can lead to persistent allergy symptoms, including watery eyes, headaches, and difficulty breathing.

Annual duct cleaning in Knoxville TN can significantly reduce pollen buildup, providing relief from indoor allergies and enhancing overall well-being. Consider scheduling a cleaning after the pollen-heavy spring season to ensure a pollen-free home during the summer months.

Take Action: Schedule Professional Duct Cleaning

If you’re tired of battling indoor allergy symptoms, it’s time to take action. Contact J.C.’s Heating and Air today to schedule professional duct cleaning and enjoy cleaner, healthier indoor air.

Don’t let allergens dictate your comfort. Take control of your indoor environment with regular duct cleaning. Call J.C.’s Heating and Air now. 

Like our Facebook page for more great info about heating and cooling services.

J.C.’s Heating and Air
3110 Henson Rd Suite 7
Knoxville, TN 37921

Areas Served: CorrytonFountain CityHalls CrossroadsFarragutPowellKnoxvilleKnox CountyOak RidgeLenoir City

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Duct Cleaning: Guard Your HVAC Against Pollen

Dealing with allergies, whether seasonal or perennial, can be an ongoing struggle. That’s why duct cleaning is essential.

Pollen, a common allergen, not only affects outdoor air but can also infiltrate indoor spaces, potentially impacting the performance of your HVAC system and exacerbating allergy symptoms. While pollen itself doesn’t directly harm your heating and cooling system, it can find its way indoors through various avenues, such as open windows, doors, and cracks in the building structure.

Understanding Pollen’s Influence

Pollen particles, carried by the wind, can enter your home through openings like windows and doors or seep through cracks, known as air infiltration. Once inside, these particles can circulate through your HVAC system in Knoxville TN, compromising indoor air quality and triggering allergies in susceptible individuals.

Duct Cleaning: Practical Strategies for Mitigation

To mitigate the infiltration of pollen and alleviate allergy symptoms, consider duct cleaning and implementing the following preventive measures:

1. Keep Windows Closed

During peak pollen seasons, keep windows closed to minimize the influx of outdoor allergens into your home. Additionally, ensure your home’s air filter is clean and functioning effectively to capture airborne particles.

2. Maintain Outdoor HVAC Unit

Regularly clear debris from around your outdoor HVAC unit in Knoxville TN to prevent pollen and other contaminants from being drawn into the system. Maintaining a clear perimeter around the unit reduces the risk of airborne allergens infiltrating your home.

HVAC-system-1-300x223.jpg3. Upgrade and Change Filters

Stay proactive in filter maintenance by regularly replacing filters to prevent the accumulation of pollen, dust, and other debris within your HVAC system. Consider upgrading to advanced filters for enhanced allergen removal.

4. Schedule Duct Cleaning

Despite filters, pollen spores and other contaminants can accumulate within ductwork, compromising indoor air quality. Schedule periodic duct cleanings to remove dust, pollen, and microbial growth, ensuring clean air circulation throughout your home.

5. Wash Your Air Conditioner

While pollen may not directly clog outdoor units, visible residue on the unit’s exterior can be washed away with a garden hose to prevent potential buildup and maintain optimal system performance.

Promoting Clean Indoor Air

By implementing these preventive measures, you can effectively minimize pollen infiltration and maintain clean indoor air quality, providing relief for allergy sufferers and ensuring the optimal functioning of your HVAC system.

Ready to enhance your indoor air quality and alleviate allergy symptoms? Contact J.C.’s Heating and Air today to schedule professional HVAC services and enjoy cleaner, healthier air in your home.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about heating and cooling services.

J.C.’s Heating and Air
3110 Henson Rd Suite 7
Knoxville, TN 37921

Areas Served: CorrytonFountain CityHalls CrossroadsFarragutPowellKnoxvilleKnox CountyOak RidgeLenoir City

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Spring Cleaning: Importance Of Air Duct Cleaning

As winter fades away, many homeowners dive into their spring-cleaning routines. However, amidst the flurry of cleaning activities, one essential aspect often gets overlooked – the air ducts. This year, consider including professional air duct cleaning in your spring-cleaning checklist to ensure your HVAC system is primed for the upcoming year.

Why Is Duct Cleaning For Spring Essential?

Improve Indoor Air Quality:

During the winter, when windows remain closed and heaters run continuously, indoor air quality can suffer due to a lack of fresh air circulation. Consequently, this stagnant environment leads to the accumulation of dust and contaminants, resulting in a stuffy atmosphere and potential respiratory issues like congestion and headaches. Additionally, as spring blooms bring pollen and allergens into the air, the situation worsens.

Prevent Mold and Mildew:

Air ducts, particularly in areas with high humidity like kitchens and bathrooms, are susceptible to mold and mildew growth. When left unchecked, mold spores can spread through the air ducts, posing health risks and causing respiratory problems. Certain molds, such as black mold, are particularly concerning due to their severe health implications.

Boost AC Efficiency and Save Money:

The accumulation of dust, pollen, and dirt in air ducts can hinder the efficiency of your air conditioning system in Knoxville TN. Consequently, when the system works harder to circulate air through clogged ducts, it consumes more energy, leading to increased utility bills. Moreover, dust buildup within the system itself can exacerbate the issue, potentially causing damage and repair issues.

hvac-system-2-2-300x200.jpgExtend the Life of Your HVAC System:

Regular cleaning and maintenance can significantly prolong the lifespan of both your air ducts and HVAC system. Remarkably, air ducts, when cleaned annually, can last up to 15 years, while a well-maintained air conditioner can serve you for 10 to 15 years. Neglecting air duct cleaning in Knoxville TN can lead to damage, blockages, and repair issues within your HVAC system, shortening its lifespan and requiring costly repairs or replacements sooner than necessary.

The Air Duct Cleaning Process: What to Expect


certified technician will inspect your air ducts for any signs of damage, mold, or debris accumulation. This assessment helps determine the extent of cleaning required and identifies any underlying issues.


rotobrush-2-300x225.jpgUsing specialized equipment such as high-powered vacuums and brushes, the technician will remove dust, debris, and contaminants from the ductwork. Remarkably, this includes cleaning the supply and return ducts, registers, grilles, and air handling unit components.


In cases where mold or mildew is present, the HVAC contractor will apply antimicrobial agents to sanitize the ductwork and inhibit mold growth. Consequently, this step helps ensure that your indoor air remains clean and healthy.

Sealing and Insulation:

After cleaning, the technician may seal any leaks or gaps in the ductwork to prevent air leakage and improve system efficiency. Additionally, they may recommend adding insulation to improve energy efficiency and reduce heat loss.

Don’t overlook the importance of air duct cleaning in your spring-cleaning regimen. Schedule a professional cleaning to improve your indoor air quality, prevent mold growth, enhance AC efficiency, and extend the lifespan of your HVAC system.

Breathe easier and enjoy a healthier home environment by prioritizing air duct cleaning this spring. Call J.C.’s Heating and Air now. 


Like our Facebook page for more great info about heating and cooling services.

J.C.’s Heating and Air
3110 Henson Rd Suite 7
Knoxville, TN 37921

Areas Served: CorrytonFountain CityHalls CrossroadsFarragutPowellKnoxvilleKnox CountyOak RidgeLenoir City

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

HVAC Zoning: The Key to Consistent Home Comfort

Ensuring that every corner of your home maintains the perfect temperature can be challenging with a traditional HVAC setup. If you find yourself battling hot and cold spots, HVAC zoning might just be the solution you need. But before diving into zoning, let’s uncover the reasons behind these temperature inconsistencies.

Old or Inadequate HVAC Ducts

Outdated ductwork can hinder the effectiveness of even the most advanced heating and cooling systems. Cracks, leaks, and insufficient duct installation can lead to wasted energy and uneven heating or cooling. Addressing ductwork issues is crucial before implementing HVAC zoning to maximize its benefits.

Moreover, replacing or repairing old ducts ensures proper airflow throughout your home, laying the foundation for effective zoning.

Home Layout Matters

Certain areas of your home may not receive adequate airflow from the HVAC system, especially remote rooms or additions. Installing ductless mini-split heat pumps can be a solution to directly cool or heat these spaces. Understanding your home’s layout helps in devising effective zoning strategies.

Furthermore, considering your home’s structure and design allows for better planning and implementation of zoning systems.

Equipment Size is Key

Ill-fitted heating or cooling equipment can create hot and cold spots and other operational issues. HVAC zoning won’t resolve these problems if your system is improperly sized. Ensuring the right-sized equipment is installed is essential for optimal performance.

heating-system-1-300x187.jpgAdditionally, consulting with heating and cooling professionals in Knoxville TN to assess your equipment needs ensures compatibility with zoning systems, preventing future issues.

Airflow Blockages and Obstructions

Blocked vents or dirty air filters can impede airflow, causing temperature inconsistencies throughout your home. Regularly checking and clearing obstructions ensures efficient heating and cooling operation and helps prevent hot and cold spots.

Moreover, scheduling routine maintenance and cleaning of heating and cooling components keeps your system running smoothly, minimizing the risk of airflow obstructions.

Priming Your System for Zoning

Before implementing HVAC zoning, it’s essential to resolve existing airflow issues. Zoning offers energy savings and customized comfort by allowing you to heat or cool specific areas as needed. Identifying and addressing underlying problems is the first step towards effective zoning.

Furthermore, conducting a thorough inspection of your HVAC system in Knoxville TN prior to zoning implementation ensures optimal performance and efficiency.

How Zoning Can Address Hot and Cold Spots

In homes with unavoidable airflow challenges, HVAC zoning can be a game-changer. By creating customized heating and cooling zones, zoning minimizes temperature variations caused by factors like natural light exposure or drafty areas. Properly executed zoning ensures consistent comfort throughout your home.

Furthermore, zoning systems adapt to your home’s unique layout and environmental factors, providing tailored comfort solutions for every room.

Is HVAC Zoning Right for You?

If you’re tired of battling temperature inconsistencies or want to maximize your heating and cooling system’s efficiency, zoning could be the answer. By addressing underlying issues and implementing strategic zoning, you can enjoy consistent comfort and lower energy bills.

Take Action: Optimize Your Comfort

Ready to say goodbye to hot and cold spots? Consult with HVAC contractors to assess your home’s needs and explore zoning options. Experience the difference that heating and cooling zoning can make in your home comfort and energy efficiency.

Call J.C.’s Heating and Air now. Let us take care of your HVAC needs. Whether it’s repair or maintenance, we’re ready to help.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about heating and cooling services.

J.C.’s Heating and Air
3110 Henson Rd Suite 7
Knoxville, TN 37921

Areas Served: CorrytonFountain CityHalls CrossroadsFarragutPowellKnoxvilleKnox CountyOak RidgeLenoir City